Dancing Stars

Dancing Stars
Dancing Stars can be found on the cover of the American Patchwork & Quilting calendar for 2011. It's the month of February.

SPRING FLING is located in Volume 6 of Better Homes and Gardens Quilt-Lovers' Favorites.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Should it snow after Spring has begun?

It's now Spring, we had some beautiful weather last week, then yesterday it began to rain and was gloomy. The wind began to blow and the temperature dropped to "needing a jacket" weather. This morning while driving to the gym at 7:20, snow flakes began. We are lucky because it did melt as it touched the street. The Bradford pear trees choose today to burst into full bloom. Mother Nature should have let them know that cold weather returned. We'll see how the temperature goes tonight.

It is a good day to try and finish up my latest quilt project. The body of the quilt was finished in January and the sashing has been stuck up on the design wall since then. Today I think this small quilt may actually get sewn together.

Easter will be here in less than two weeks. Where does the time go?

Happy Spring, I hope it gets back in Georgia really soon.

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